Quality and Nutrition
From our family farms to your family’s table, we monitor each and every step to ensure your satisfaction and safety.
Higher standards makes for a higher quality chicken.
Raised by a family of professionals.
Our chickens are raised by people who know what’s best for chickens. Family farmers, trained service representatives and local veterinarians all share in the care of our chickens, making sure they’re treated right.
Our chickens dine on wholesome chicken feed.
Gold’n Plump mills its own feed from locally grown corn, soybean meal, vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients. Our proprietary nutritious feed recipes are created with the help of a nutritionist — and are balanced to meet the changing dietary needs of growing chickens.
High quality chicken, inspected and graded so you know it’s good.
Under our USDA-approved HACCP Plan, our chicken products must pass numerous quality inspections before packaging. Once packaged, it’s kept cold and delivered quickly to grocery stores, grocery delis, restaurants and other places that use our premium USDA Grade A chicken.
Stamped for freshness, food safety and peace of mind.
Every package of our fresh chicken is stamped with a manufacturer’s freshness date code that includes important usage and product identification information to ensure freshness, proper handling and food safety.
Labeled per the USDA’s (and our) standards.
We follow all labeling regulations as mandated by the USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) — the agency responsible for ensuring the truthfulness and accuracy of labeling for meat and poultry. Every Gold’n Plump product label is reviewed and approved by the USDA-FSIS to ensure that all product claims are accurate and truthful.
Setting a new standard for good chicken.
The USDA only allows products sourced from chickens never-ever given antibiotics to be labeled as "No Antibiotics–Ever.” We are one of the first mainstream chicken brands to transition its entire product line to be raised without antibiotics of any kind. As we transition to a No Antibiotics–Ever product line, we’re also becoming American Humane Certified™ approved. This means our animal care and processing practices are audited and must meet or exceed the agency's more than 200 rigorous requirements.
Get the facts on chicken nutrition.
Chicken that’s more than just great tasting.
There are few foods so naturally good for you as chicken. According to the American Dietetic Association, a baked chicken drumstick with the skin removed has less fat than the same portion of sirloin steak, beef tenderloin, pork chop or salmon.
Packed with power. Real, delicious power.
Chicken is a significant source of daily requirements of protein, niacin, B-6, B-12, vitamin D, iron and zinc.
Low fat and no carbs, packed full of goodness. It’s a tasty paradox.
Ounce for ounce, skinless chicken is one of the lowest-fat meats around. Although breast meat definitely has the lowest fat content, even skinless dark meat is comparatively low in fat and high in iron and other essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, a good portion of the fat it does have is unsaturated — the good kind of fat. Prepared the right way, chicken is low in calories, low in cholesterol and has no carbohydrates.
Perfect for any diet that involves food.
Chicken is the perfect ingredient in today’s most popular diet plans. Some diets, such as Atkins or South Beach, emphasize protein consumption and low-carb intake. Others focus on fat and cholesterol. Compared to popular cuts of steak, chicken (even with the skin on) has lower fat and similar levels of protein, iron and minerals.